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"We provide an unhurried and creative learning environment where children can find the joy in learning and experience the richness of childhood.”

Our outdoor and indoor classrooms are passionately set up with new experiences throughout all areas of learning.  Newsletters go home bi-weekly, notifying parents of new learning themes, activities and special events.
Aside from our curriculum described below, students have learning, and activities, in the subjects of geography, social studies, culinary arts, theater, an extensive music program, and physical education.

Language & Literature here, begins with an early love for reading under our fruit trees!
Letter knowledge begins with a strong foundation in phonemic and phonological awareness and growing into the ability to pull meaning from words (morphology).

Our emerging readers in pre-k have a “Reading Club”, where they bring home the books they are currently enjoying to read to their parents, siblings and or pets as they begin their journey of learning to read.



We value and support the inquisitive nature of children; we love to explore and find out “why?”
We explore various fields of science. (chemistry, biology, physics, botany and more!) Our discoveries here are kinesthetic, trial and error, predicting, comparing, and collaboration.

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No screen time anywhere at our schoolhouse. We use natural materials and bee-bots outdoors to support learning the  following concepts: Sequencing ,The concept of code, Counting, Cause and effect, Planning and Problem Solving.



Building and architecture experiences  provide hands-on opportunities to design, build, problem solve and implement solutions. 

Ask—to identify the problem and others’ solutions

Imagine—to brainstorm and select a solution to test

Plan—to specify the design and materials

Create—to make and test a model

Improve—to ask how the design can be even better and start the cycle again



Children’s art experiences encourage creativity and innovation!
Our students learn about Frida Kahlo when making self-portraits, we take inspiration from Van Gogh when doing post-impressionist art, and enjoy Yayoi Kusama pieces when doing our own contemporary art.
.Our art program includes sculptures, fashion design, and incorporating the natural world and seasons.
Art should truly be the child’s own and is more to do with the process than the product.

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Research has shown providing children early with quality math experiences is the key to the foundation for success in their formal schooling years.

Our goal is for students to feel confident and capable in math, to keep it a lively and fun subject, and for students to have such a deep understanding of concepts that they have the ability to transfer their math knowledge into new situations and apply it to new contexts.

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